In the End All will be Well (englische Version)

In the End All will be Well (englische Version)

How we ourselves can create the ideal world.
  • Christina von Dreien

  • ISBN: 978-3-905831-79-5
  • Govinda-Verlag
    Taschenbuch; aus Umweltschutzgründen nicht in Plastik eingeschweißt
    77 Seiten

  • Gesamtgewicht: 0,156 kg
11,50 €

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Auf Lager, Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage*

English edition / Translated by Hilary Snellgrove 2020 was a strange, crazy "Corona" year.... mehr
Produktinformationen "In the End All will be Well (englische Version)"

English edition / Translated by Hilary Snellgrove

2020 was a strange, crazy "Corona" year. It was dominated by worldwide crises, by fear and insecurity, by measures and protests, by hostile thinking and mutual recrimination.
In the midst of this confusing time, a young woman raises her voice and speaks plainly: Christina von Dreien (born in 2001), representative of a new generation of trailblazers and positive impulse-givers. Her impressive perspective opens up a new, more comprehensive view of the current world situation and of the time ahead in 2021/22. Beyond the common clichés of lateral thinkers and spiritualists, she succeeds in reaching and touching people’s hearts with a message that is as simple as it is brilliant.

This book invites us to broaden our horizon of perception and to raise the responsibility for world affairs from the political to the personal level: What exactly can each individual human being contribute to ultimately changing our destructive and ailing system for the better?

  • See the positive in everything and promote it
  • Be open to new insights
  • Not be afraid – no matter what happens
  • Trust that in the end all will be well
  • Ask our spiritual helpers for support
  • Cultivate contentment, gratitude and forgiveness

Christina’s encouragement gives us strength and confidence: We can and will create for ourselves the beautiful, ideal world of global peace that we all long for – and we’ll do it now.
A small book that inspires great courage.

Weitere Übersetzungen dieses Buches finden Sie auf

"With all the unrest and all the things that are happening everywhere in the world right now,...
"With all the unrest and all the things that are happening everywhere in the world right now, it’s especially important during this time and in the coming months to make sure that we’re as joyful and as well as we can possibly be, both inwardly and outwardly. Only in this way can we maintain the confidence and the trust that everything will turn out well in the end."
"In the end all will be well, that is certain. However, this requires the cooperation of each and every one of us. As soon as we realise this, we have a responsibility to keep sending something positive into the collective field of consciousness. Let’s not forget the ‘small’ things in everyday life: a smile, a friendly look, a kind word – all these are more important than we may think."
"In times like these, it can give us great hope and confidence to keep reminding ourselves that we’re not the only ones, but that there are a great many people everywhere who, just like us, also want an ideal world and that this ideal world will surely come to be. This much is certain: The world will not end, and in the end all will be well."
"The power of our thoughts, together with the energy of our emotions can change the whole world for the better."
"If enough people on the Earth were to be content with their lives for just one day, the negative system as a whole would be overturned. Everything can change from one minute to the next."
Veranstaltungen mit Christina hier einsehen.

Veranstaltungen mit Christina hier einsehen.

Govinda-Verlag GmbH, Ronald Zürrer, Postfach 152, CH-8032 Zürich,
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Govinda-Verlag GmbH, Ronald Zürrer, Postfach 152, CH-8032 Zürich,

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